If you received an item that is under one of the following conditions, we will happily replace the item free of charge:
- Faulty item: damaged/broken.
- Wrong item: size/style/color.
- Bad quality: blurry/faded images.
- Lost/wrong shipment.
Please email us picture of the item(s) showing clearly your issue and its original packaging within 48 hours after receiving your order.
We would recommend you to attach your additional information to find the exact order (order ID, email address, name, invoice ID, phone number).
- Please ensure that all the information you have provided is correct before submitting your order to prevent losses in mail or other mishaps from happening. GearLit will not be held liable to any misroute parcels.
- There is no need to return the defective items.
- Replacement/refund request is valid within 30 days after receiving your order.
If you have any further question, please feel free to contact us at support@fitwearpro.com